The Precision Rehab range of wheelchairs by New Live

At Precision Rehab Limited have almost 30 years experience of assessing and supplying specialist powered wheelchairs. We are always looking to supply the best quality products and deliver the right product for your needs, this includes professional assessments, deliveries, service and after sales care.

About New Live - A MAGIX CHAIR
At the beginning of our story, there was only Michel Ohruh and the dreams he had for his daughter.

Indeed, the New Live company was born within our family, which was confronted with the world of the handicap following the accident of Mégane when she was 3 years old then of her failing care in IEM. We were plunged into a difficult and unknown world for people who had never been confronted with it.

The conception of an electric wheelchair was born in the mind of Michel (creator of New Live and father of Mégane) during their winter vacations in the mountains.

“As long as Mégane was small, she was in a sled, which was not a problem. But as she grew up we were faced with a dead end. No chair could move forward in the snow, and Megane would get stuck.”

Depriving Megane and the rest of the family of these moments was inconceivable. Mr. Ohruh made a promise to his daughter that he would create a magic chair for her, one that could adapt to her mobility needs. It had to be compact, curb-capable, yet elegant and versatile – in short, Magix.

, for more details call us on 01256 300111 or request further information on the contact us.

New Live Magix II

Precision Rehab Magix II – by New Live

Magix 2