Precision Rehab gets set to launch “highly adaptable” powered wheelchair at Naidex 2024

Precision Rehab gets set to launch “highly adaptable” powered wheelchair at Naidex 2024

Bespoke powerchair supplier Precision Rehab will be launching the PR30/II – the latest addition to the Paravan range of powerchairs – at Naidex 2024, the UK’s largest disability and home care event taking place from 20-21 March 2024 at Birmingham’s NEC.Precision Rehab will be launching the PR30/II

The Paravan PR30/II is a highly adaptable powerchair which can be fitted and modified with a wide range of additional equipment to meet the specific physical and medical requirements of the user. With a maximum user capacity of 140kg which can be increased to 200kg, this latest Paravan powerchair is suitable for most users.

With a tilt-in-space and lift function fitted as standard which has a lilting height of up to 30cm the user can engage with people at eye level when they are in an education, business or social environment.

For increased comfort, the PR30/II has a contoured seat system with six different configurations of back and seat pads and is controlled by an ergonomic joystick which makes it extremely easy to manoeuvre in even the most confined spaces.

Following its successful launch at last year’s Naidex, the New Live Magix 2 with unique six-wheel drive system will once again be on show The New Live Magix 2 powerchair is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Its ultra-compact size and innovative six-wheel drive system allow it to go to places that are considered inaccessible for most powerchairs and can easily climb smoothly over kerbs, steps and gaps up to 15cm.

It comes with an impressive seat lift 40-80cm with other functions including back recline 90/160 degree, tilt in space -37/+10 degree, power elevating & compensating leg rest (single or individual) with footplate to floor system.

The Magix 2 comes with an ergonomic range of standard seating systems and can easily be fitted with aftermarket seating, moulded seating or factory fitted V-Track for all postural requirements.

The Magix 2 truly must be seen and tried to fully appreciate how agile and capable it is for both indoor and outdoor use with optimum comfort and ease.Precision Rehab will be launching the PR30/II

Matt James, Director and Founder of Precision Rehab, commented: “We are delighted to once again be attending Naidex and look forward to showcasing our range of powerchairs to visitors to the show.

“The event is a great opportunity to meet up with many of our existing customers from around the UK, many of whom have become friends over the years while also making new contacts.”

Precision Rehab boasts over 30 years’ experience in the assessment, sales and servicing of specialist powerchairs, and will be exhibiting products by Paravan, New Live, Dietz, Eurovema, Mo-Vis and TrackMaster on Stand D100 at Naidex 2024.

Matt and the team will be on hand to answer any questions, demonstrate the powerchairs on show and book assessments.

 Read the full published article here


Colette Scrace from Surrey recently took delivery of the UK’s first NEW LIVE Magix 2 powerchair from Precision Rehab, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of bespoke powerchairs.

Colette, who works for the NHS as the Lead Nurse for Genomics in England has Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis which affects all her joints, resulting in her being able to stand or walk unaided for short periods of time.  For the last 7 years, Colette has been a wheelchair user and has had several powerchairs as she explains:

“My powerchairs are certainly put through their paces.  I commute around the country for work, using national rail, and flights so need an indoor/office powerchair which can also cope with rugged outdoor use when I take my large Burnese Mountain dog on long walks often on very uneven terrain which unfortunately, my previous models were not designed for.  When my last powerchair needed replacing, I started researching online and attended Naidex as I wanted a powerchair that could take me over difficult terrain with ease and give me the peace of mind that it would always get me home”.

While at Naidex Colette spoke to several powerchair manufacturers but nothing ticked all the boxes until she saw the NEW LIVE Magix 2 powerchair from Precision Rehab.  “As soon as I saw the Magix 2 and spoke to Matt I knew I had to have one. Within a couple of weeks, Matt was at my house with a demonstrator model”.  Colette has now had her Magix 2 for two months and loves it.

“The Magix 2 is amazing and without doubt the best powerchair I have ever had as it is so user friendly and very easy to manoeuvre - I have never felt so confident when I am out and about.  As many wheelchair users will tell you, it is not always easy to find two drop kerbs opposite each other but with the Magix 2 that doesn’t matter as it overcomes the kurb effortlessly, as if they are not even there.  I also love the fact that I can raise the seat height so I can talk to people face to face, and this also means that people notice me in the street and therefore don’t walk into me”.  But the highlight for Colette is the terrain capabilities which means she can now go on long country walks with her dog across terrain that would previously have been inaccessible due to the risk of getting stuck on rough, uneven ground.  “The power and performance combined with the stability I get from the six wheels is phenomenal.  Previously, when traversing pavements with an uneven camber, I felt uneasy, but now, I don’t even think about it as I feel so comfortable and secure”.

The next item to be ticked off Colette’s to do list is a trip to the seaside with her grandchildren. “I have spent years watching them play at the seaside and now I will be able to join in.  I cannot thank Matt and everyone at Precision Rehab enough.  Not only is the Magix 2 a phenomenal powerchair but Matt backs it up with superb knowledge and customer service and I would not hesitate in recommending him and his company to anyone looking for a powerchair” concluded Colette.

The NEW LIVE Magix 2 powerchair is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Its ultra-compact size and innovative 6-wheel drive system allow it to go to places that are considered inaccessible for most wheelchairs and powerchairs and can easily climb smoothly over kerbs and steps up to 15cm. It is available with powered seat functions including: seat lift 40-80cm, back recline 90/160 degree, tilt in space -37/+10 degree, power elevating & compensating leg rest (single or individual) with footplate to floor system. The Magic 2 comes with a comfortable standard seating system but can easily be fitted with aftermarket seating including V-Track for all postural requirements. The NEW LIVE Magix 2 truly has to be seen and tried to fully appreciate how agile and capable it is for both indoor and outdoor use with optimum comfort and ease.

Precision Rehab was founded by Matt James and his wife Emma over 8 years ago. Building on over 30 years’ experience of the powerchair market Matt has overseen the controlled growth of the company to its position today as one of the leading suppliers of bespoke powerchairs in the UK.  Other powerchair brands currently available in the UK from Precision Rehab include: Paravan, Dietz, Eurovema, NHD, TrackMaster and Sunrise Medical.


For more information on NEW LIVE  any other powerchairs available from Precision Rehab or book an assessment please call 01256 300111, email: [email protected]  or visit


Precision Rehab reassures customers about safe services as restrictions tighten across England

We are still open, but will be implementing a number of measures to help protect our customers and staff.

We have been closely monitoring the latest government guidelines regarding COVID-19.

Following the government announcement in the fight against Covid-19 on the 22nd September 2020, we understand many of our clients and potential clients will be returning to shielding, self-isolating or continuing to do so. We take our clients and staff health very seriously. We will continue to offer all our services including assessments, servicing, repairs, parts supply and deliveries following government guidelines while using the appropriate PPE (Nitrile gloves, facemasks and antibacterial sanitizer for our
staff and products).

We can now offer the following options of visits and services:

Home Assessments and Deliveries:
This will be our usual home assessment/delivery service using PPE and social distancing, our staff will always check their temperature before starting the day. They will always be wearing nitrile gloves and face mask. Contact will be kept to a minimum, and the products will be deep cleaned before and after assessments/deliveries with antibacterial spray and wipes.

Contactless Assessments, Repairs, and Servicing:
This will be the same process as our home assessment but will be carried out without contact. Our staff will follow all the same procedures as above but will call the client on arrival. In the case of assessment we will leave the product at the front door or agreed safe place and then wait for a carer or parent to collect it, we will then carry out the assessment from a 2 meter distance. This process will remain the same for repairs and servicing, we will call on arrival, the carer or parent will then leave the product at the front door or agreed safe place, the product will be sanitised then repaired or serviced. On completion the product will be sanitised again and left at the front door, our engineer will then call and wait for the product to be collected.

Virtual Assessments:
We will be offering virtual assessments without the need to visit. This will be completed using phone consultation, customer fact finding forms with basic measurements and client photos while seated in their existing product from the front, rear and both sides. This information can then be emailed to our experienced assessment team. We will then produce a report and quotation for the appropriate product, that will be subject to full and final assessment once safe to do so. This service will enable our clients, case
managers and other professionals to start the process of seeking funding without delay.

Our staff whenever possible will be working from home to minimise contact in line with the government guidance, this will not impact our admin services.

We hope you all stay safe and well during these unprecedented times.
We are open and happy to help, and we will do our best to maintain our high quality and responsive service during this difficult period.

If you or anyone in your household is showing any symptoms (link to NHS advice pages) please contact us to rearrange your appointment as soon as possible.

We will continue to monitor the situation and follow any advice from the government and endeavor to do what is best for everyone. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook to keep up to date with developments.

Contact details
Office Tel: 01256 300111
Sales Mob: 07736 152112
Service Mob: 07908 738978
Email: [email protected]

Links for useful information
Information for the public
Guidance for healthcare professionals and other organisations
Link to article in Thiss Magazine 


We are still open, but will be implementing a number of measures to help protect our customers and staff.

We have been closely monitoring the latest government guidelines regarding COVID-19.

If you or anyone in your household is showing any symptoms (link to NHS advice pages) please contact us to rearrange your appointment as soon as possible.

We will be minimising contact between staff and customers and we are more than willing to offer in addition to our usual services;

  • Contactless services, our team will call you when we arrive, you can put the product outside of your property, the work will be completed externally, when done we will call and wait away from the property for the product to be collected from outside.
  • Parts delivery service, for certain products we are able to either send directly from the supplier or alternatively ship products from our facility using a courier service.
  • Phone consultation for advice on all aspects of your product including servicing, repairs, sales and general guidance.

We will provide disposable gloves and hand gel for staff, these will be changed between each customer. All demonstration equipment will be disinfected before and after appointments. As a company we have maximised our safety measures including; government recommended hand sanitiser, disposable gloves, masks and disinfectant wipes.

We will continue to monitor the situation and follow any advice from the government and endeavour to do what is best for everyone. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook to keep up to date with developments.

Contact details
Office Tel: 01256 300111
Sales Mob: 07736 152112
Service Mob: 07908 738978
Email: [email protected]

Links for useful information
Information for the public
Guidance for healthcare professionals and other organisations

NRtimes – How to find the perfect powerchair

When looking for a powerchair there are many options available which at times can be confusing. To eliminate some of this, we spoke to Matt James, director of Precision Rehab, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of powerchairs with over 25 years industry experience.

How to find the perfect powerchair

When looking for a powerchair what are the primary things people should consider?

There are lots of things to consider when looking for a powered wheelchair, here is a list of points to consider: Lifestyle (what is the user wanting the powerchair to do on an everyday basis), what range/distance will they need to travel in a day, size and dimensions of the chair, what is the weight of the chair and what is the maximum user weight and combined weight (for lifts, house and car).

Will the chair meet their current needs and more importantly be able to adapt to any changing postural management and control changes and what powered functions will the chair need to perform? It is vital to always have a home assessment to ensure its suitable for your home, work place and other regular places the client needs to access.

There are numerous seating options available so it important to find out what type of seating can the chair be supplied with and as most users will be travelling in a vehicle is the chair crash tested and approved for both webbing and automatic docking system. Research the company you are looking to purchase from, are they BHTA registered and are their assessors experienced, do they have any recommendations and always ask about warranty length, aftersales care and parts stock.

How important is it to have a thorough assessment and what does the assessment involve?

The assessment is the most important part of the process and if possible, should be carried out with the client’s choice of professional OT or PT.

It is recommended to try more than one powerchair, select three powerchairs that you believe will meet all your requirements and try each one to the same level of assessment.

Always have a home assessment and if possible, try all the environments that you want to use the chair in such as work, with family / friends, favourite restaurant etc. The assessment for powerchairs should be no less than two hours to allow time for the assessment, measurements, fact finding and detailed note taking.

From what age can people start using a powerchair?

There is no real answer to this, it is based purely on the client and their individual capabilities and understanding of the safe use of a powered wheelchair. In the past we have had a client start using a powerchair at the age of 18 months and took delivery at the age of 2, it is very much down to the individual.

Many NR Times readers or their clients / family members have very specific requirements due to their spinal or neuro injury or condition. How easy it is to make a powerchair bespoke so it meets their needs?

As a company we can offer just about any modification and bespoke solutions that our clients request from specialist controls and seating to additional powered functions and bespoke items such as powered swing away joysticks, powered flip up footplate, USB charging points pretty much anything is possible.

We also work with other companies to supply complimentary equipment that we fit predelivery to ensure a fully bespoke service, these companies included Mo-Vis, Contour886, RMS, BodyPoint and many more…

Can you give us some examples of adaptations you have done to help clients?

We have fitted mini joysticks with heating and cooling systems, custom seating while working together with Contour886, electric swing away joysticks, electric flip up footplates, custom solutions fitting aftermarket headrests, thoracic supports, arm pads, modular seating solutions, even custom painted body covers and matching seat stitching.

Can you offer any advice on what funding is available to help with purchasing a powerchair?

With over 25 years of experience in assessing and supplying specialist powerchairs we have lots of avenues to advise our clients with regards to where they could seek potential funding, these can be age, disability or work-related avenues, we discuss all the client’s options and advise each one accordingly.

Bearing in mind most users are extremely reliant on their powerchair, in terms of aftercare, what type of support do manufacturers offer?

Precision Rehab take aftersales very seriously as this is one of the most important parts of our service when supplying specialist powerchairs.

Our clients are very much dependant on their powerchairs, we only deal with a limited number of suppliers to ensure we can cover all parts of the UK. We deal with manufactures such as Paravan GmbH and NHD who not only manufacture very well-built reliable chairs but also offer fast and effective parts supply.

We had pre-Brexit meeting with all our suppliers to ensure we can still offer our same level of service and ensure we can maintain our UK parts stock. We have recently joined the BHTA to ensure with growth we can offer the same high stand of aftersales care and keep up with their code of practice.

Can people maintain their own powerchair or does it have to be serviced by the manufacturer?

Within the manufactures warranty period it is only the manufacture or their recommended or authorised service department that should maintain the powerchair.

We recommend this continues outside of the manufactures warranty period as many if not all clients take out extended warranty packages and within the terms of these policies it must be serviced by an authorised agent within a 12-month period.

We also recommend a pre-planned annual service is carried out to ensure reliable use and helps prevent unwelcome breakdowns or failures (preventive maintenance), outside of all warranty obligations the client could maintain their own powerchair but we would not recommend this.

What are the common mistakes people make when looking for and purchasing a powerchair?

The most common mistakes is not looking into the kind of everyday things a client would like to do with their chair such as travel in an adapted vehicle, will it fit in a lift at home (weight and size), what type of terrain can the powerchair cope with, user weight limits, size of the powerchair, will the controls progress with the clients changing needs, will the seating grow or be able to adapt to postural changes.

As mentioned previously it is vital to always try out several powerchairs at home, work and other local environments you often attend to ensure the chair meets all the requirements of your lifestyle and disability needs for both the short term and long term.

What are the common misconceptions people have about powerchairs?

I think one of the biggest misconceptions that people have is that powerchairs make users more disabled looking than manual wheelchairs. In most case they more enabling and with modern powerchairs more effort is put into the design and appearance.

You recently added the Glory headset to your portfolio. How has powerchair technology evolved over recent years and what do you see in the future?

In the last 10/15 years powerchairs have come a long way. These days, chairs offer greater functions with more advanced control ideas, drive from wheelchair options, design and more choice than ever and in the future, I believe we will see even more advanced controls.

For example, on a recent visit to Rehacare in Dusseldorf there were many new control ideas including eye gaze/vision steering systems and voice control systems. We recently added Mo-Vis to our supplier list and have just taken delivery of the first Mo-Vis scoot attendant control in the UK for our client and an assessment kit.

To discuss the full range of powerchairs available from Precision Rehab Contact Us

 Read the full published article here

AMP AWARDS 2019 SHORTLIST: Unsung Industry Hero of the Year

The Unsung Industry Hero of the Year Award recognises individuals who have been setting an example to the rest of the market and whose individual achievements and approach have helped the businesses they are part of to grow and evolve.

We are delighted to announce that the 2019 shortlist includes the following individuals:

Matthew James, Precision Rehab
Matthew James’ commitment and passion are clear when he talks about the industry and what his company achieves for its customers. He is always on-hand for advice and many of his customers have become very loyal due to Matthew’s investment in them and his passion for knowing their requirements, likes and dislikes. Matthew’s ethos of customer before business has helped Precision to develop well in the past year and he is credited with securing countless loyal customers, who have helped to sustain and propel the business. Matthew’s approach to a clients’ wants as much as their needs is a shining example for the mobility sector and in this way he is certainly playing his part in driving trends.

Barry Reeve, Unique Mobility
Quite simply, Barry Reeve is described by his colleagues as a ‘true legend’ and ‘king of car adaptations’. He is clearly an extremely valued member of Unique Mobility and has proven over recent months that at heart he is an innovator with razor sharp business acumen. Aside from going the extra mile to ensure customers are completely satisfied with their products, Barry is continually thinking of ways to drive the dealership forward. Following a company-wide rebranding exercise which he led, Barry has played a vital role in the set-up of Unique’s new adaptations facility, which has extended the business’s reach further east. Through his various initiatives, Barry is making Unique more resistant to market challenges every day.

Wayne Greet, Middletons
Wayne Greet works tirelessly for Middletons, covering many aspects of the business from front of house sales, motivation of staff to back office marketing and media aspects. He has brought on and promoted many staff members, including internal employees, sales staff and field agents. In this way he has been crucial to finding quality staff to sustain and fuel Middletons’ rapid expansion. Wayne is also instrumental in the opening of new showrooms, having a hand in each and every store opening from conception to opening day. He is playing an integral part in one of the most exciting growth stories of the mobility retail industry and is a well-respected talent among his peers.

Darren Macey, Lifestyle & Mobility
Darren Macey is a jewel in Lifestyle & Mobility’s crown. Its Southend branch has gone from strength to strength under Darren’s inspired leadership. He balances strong ethical professionalism with excellent interpersonal skills with staff and customers alike. It is no coincidence that Lifestyle & Mobility is now one of the leading mobility firms on the South Coast and is carving a respected national name. He has helped to reinvigorate the retailer by implementing new technologies and processes and helped to flipped the firm around to become one of the most forward-thinking, innovative and successful companies in the industry. Darren has been an excellent mentor to young staff and ensures they are always trained, engaged and energised.

Gareth Carnegie, Middletons
Gareth Carnegie is regarded as the ‘go-to guy’ at Middletons. One of his colleagues notes how he has previously been sat next to Gareth for full days and his phone has rung non-stop with staff calling with queries. Despite a mountain of work, Gareth gets back to every single query and colleagues cannot remember the last time he took a day off work. Always on-hand to help, Gareth is a kind, generous and highly respected area manager who deserves appreciation and recognition, his colleagues believe. In a growing business like Middletons, it is important to have exemplary leaders for staff to look to and Gareth has shown time and again this year that he is a fundamental part of the retailer’s day-to-day operations.

The 2019 AMP Awards ceremony takes place on Monday 21 October at The Dressler, 113 Chancery Ln in London. It is free to attend for dealers. To register your interest, email [email protected]

 Read the full published article here

AMP AWARDS 2019 SHORTLIST: Dealer of the Year (South)

Precision Rehab
Precision Rehab is one of the more specialist equipment dealers in the South. Prescribing the most advanced powerchairs requires the immense attention to detail and caring manner that Precision’s name suggests. The company has recently expanded its range to include a number of complex standing powechairs and brought in the Piccolino chair to widen its client base. The company has made itself a key feature of the industry’s major mobility shows and in doing so has widened its net. While it is based in a small corner of the South East, this year, Precision has reached customers from further afield but crucially, has ensured service has remained watertight.

Lifestyle And Mobility
It has been a busy year for one of the South’s most prestigious and quickly expanding dealers. Lifestyle and Mobility has impressed suppliers and peers with its forward-thinking approach to marketing and its proactive approach to store design. The retailer has run a programme of heavy investment in its showroom and staff. Management has re-configured its back-of-house store and installed new showroom fixtures to create a unique retail experience. It has also installed state-of-the-art computer systems and work stations. A new space offers more room for staff training and meetings with suppliers. Lifestyle and Mobility has plenty of exciting expansion plans in the pipeline and is definitely one to watch.

Ableworld Bournemouth
The South Coast is one of the hottest places to be opening a mobility shop right now. As such, it is a fiercely competitive area and bosses at Ableworld Bournemouth have had to call on all their knowledge and experience to stay ahead of the pack. The company has opened a new store in nearby Christchurch, meaning it has over 7,300 square feet of prime mobility retail space – the largest in Dorset. Ableworld Bournemouth has been busy implementing a multifaceted marketing strategy, including traditional advertising, an online presence and its parent company’s magazine. Ensuring it is open on Sundays and reaching more people than ever, the business is seeing around 15% annual growth.

TPG DisableAids
Under increasing commercial pressure, the whole team at TPG has pulled together this year to find new ways of adding value to its offering. It has already been recognised in several regional, industry and supplier award schemes, evidencing the high regard in which it is held. The company has demonstrated that each employee has played their role to the best of their ability so that the retailer can move from strength to strength. TPG’s success has allowed it to give more back to the local community in the form of sponsorship and educational events, including a scooter safety initiative. Overall, the team has excelled in making things happen and cemented TPG’s place as a premier dealer in the South.

Kent Mobility
With over 30 years of experience serving the people of the South East, Kent Mobility has established itself as a well-respected and trusted market leader. The business has invested heavily in clinical training and assessment stock and recently opened its new assessment centre, making it one of the only firms in the industry to have such a facility. In taking this bold step Kent Mobility has enhanced its already renowned reputation to become not just a product provider but a company that will go that extra mile and think outside the box. Kent Mobility has continued to take an active and vocal role in maintaining industry standards while at the same time protecting and ensuring fair terms for all private retailers.

The 2019 AMP Awards ceremony takes place on Monday 21 October at The Dressler, 113 Chancery Ln in London.

 Read the full published article here

THIIS. YouTube vlogger praises Precision Rehab and prepares to chase fashion ambitions in her new powerchair

Precision Rehab, a specialist powerchair retailer and distributor, has helped a YouTube vlogger pursue her dreams of launching her own fashion brand after supplying a bespoke Piccolino Paravan powerchair.

Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 2, ambitious Ellie Darby from Essex has refused to let her condition get in the way of her love of fashion.

Working part-time at a clothing store and volunteering for an autism charity, she also runs her own fashion YouTube channel and is planning to launch her very own apparel brand, aimed at bringing more diversity into the fashion industry for everyone with or without a disability.

Now due to begin studying fashion at Brighton University, Ellie required a powerchair that could enable her to enjoy freedom and independence on campus whilst also providing peace of mind for her friends and family as she enjoys student life

With several of her friends who also have SMA Type 2 having already purchased chairs from Precision Rehab and highly recommending Precision Rehab’s Co-Founder Matt and the rest of the team, Ellie contacted the company to arrange an assessment.

“My condition means my muscles waste away and I have never been able to walk or stand unaided so like many other people with SMA a powerchair is literally a lifeline and without it I am stranded. I’d had my previous powerchair for 10 years and I knew the time was coming for me to change it as it was simply coming to the end of its life,” commented Ellie.

“From the first time I spoke with Matt, I was struck by his commitment to making sure I got the chair which would meet all my requirements. I explained to Matt what I needed and how my new chair had to replicate the seating and positioning of my old model and Matt assured me this would be achieved – he didn’t let me down!”

Specialising in the assessment, sales & servicing of specialist powerchairs and with 25 years of experience in its team, Precision Rehab says Ellie’s new Piccolino is a perfect example of the bespoke and tailored service it provides.

Precision rehab vlogger 2Discussing Ellie’s chair, Matthew James, Co-Director at Precision Rehab, commented: “Ellie had some very specific requirements; we fitted a new backrest which was identical to the one she had on her previous chair along with a swing-away lateral support and modified the footplate to ensure it fitted Ellie’s feet. To help Ellie control the functions of her chair, we fitted a more sensitive switch and for increased comfort, we replaced the standard armrests with Gel Ovations specialist armrest pads and moved the armrest closer to the seat.”

Designed to meet the needs of many young powerchair users, the versatile Piccolino boasts a maximum user capacity of 80kg; puncture-proof, non-marking tyres; high tech lighting; seat widths of 270 – 430 mm, depths of 320 – 385 mm; and back heights of 400mm to 480mm.

Ellie added: “I just love my new chair, it is so comfortable, I have much more room than in my previous chair and the level of seat functions is amazing. For example, I can now slide my seat forward so I can sit closer to a table when working on my fashion brand or YouTube channel or enjoying dinner with family or friends.

“However, the best thing for me is the powered swing-away mounting for my controller. For years I have had to ask friends to move it for me but not anymore – these may be little things but they make a huge difference to me as I have never had either before.”

The chair also has a range of additional features, including side supports and head support with further seating accessories available, all of which are multi-variable and individually adjustable, says Precision Rehab.

Praising the service from Precision Rehab, she continued: “From day one everyone at Precision Rehab has been amazing, they really listen and take into consideration what you need from your chair to ensure it will fit in with your lifestyle. Nothing is overlooked, they remember every little detail that you tell them, going above and beyond for you from the first assessment, through to delivery, with any queries you may have once you have your powerchair quickly answered.

“My new chair is going to make a huge difference when I start University and I would not hesitate in recommending Precision Rehab to anyone looking for a new powerchair, in fact, I have already done so to several friends.”

 Read the full published article here

ATtoday – Bespoke powerchair solution gives fashion vlogger greater independence

Ellie Darby from Essex is one of a growing number of people in the UK with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 who is enjoying more freedom and independence due to her bespoke powerchair solution from Precision Rehab: the Piccolino Paravan.

Ellie loves fashion and she has refused to let her condition get in her way. In addition to working part-time at a clothing shop, Ellie also volunteers for an autism charity, runs her own YouTube channel and is now planning to launch her own fashion brand which is aimed at bringing more diversity into the fashion industry.

Once she has completed her gap year, Ellie is due to begin studying fashion at Brighton University. Having a new powerchair which she can rely on will be invaluable for when she is travelling around campus and will also provide peace of mind for her friends and family while she is enjoying student life.

When she was two, Ellie started using a powerchair for the first time – a day she admits changed her life and since then, she has had numerous chairs.

She said: “My condition means my muscles waste away and I have never been able to walk or stand unaided so like many other people with SMA a powerchair is literally a lifeline and without it I am stranded. I’d had my previous powerchair for 10 years and I knew the time was coming for me to change it as it was simply coming to the end of its life.”

Several of Ellie’s friends, who also have SMA Type 2, had already purchased chairs from Precision Rehab and recommended Matt and the rest of the team to Ellie. She then contacted Matt to arrange an assessment.

Ellie Darby with her Piccolino Paravan image“From the first time I spoke with Matt I was struck by his commitment to making sure I got the chair which would meet all my requirements,” Ellie commented. “I explained to Matt what I needed and how my new chair had to replicate the seating and positioning of my old model and Matt assured me this would be achieved – he didn’t let me down!”

Every chair supplied by Precision Rehab is tailored to meet the needs of the individual and Ellie’s Piccolino was also a bespoke solution.

Matt explained: “Ellie had some very specific requirements, we fitted a new back rest which was identical to the one she had on her previous chair along with a swing away lateral support and modified the footplate to ensure it fitted Ellie’s feet.

“To help Ellie control the functions of her chair we fitted a more sensitive switch and for increased comfort we replaced the standard arm rests with Gel Ovations specialist arm rest pads and moved the arm rest closer to the seat.”

Ellie concluded: “I just love my new chair, it is so comfortable, I have much more room than in my previous chair and the level of seat functions is amazing. For example, I can now slide my seat forward so I can sit closer to a table when working on my fashion brand or YouTube channel or enjoying dinner with family or friends.

“However, the best thing for me is the powered swing away mounting for my controller, for years I have had to ask friends to move it for me but not anymore – these may be little things but they make a huge difference to me as I have never had either before.

“From day one everyone at Precision Rehab has been amazing, they really listen and take into consideration what you need from your chair to ensure it will fit in with your lifestyle. Nothing is overlooked, they remember every little detail that you tell them, going above and beyond for you from the first assessment, through to delivery, with any queries you may have once you have your powerchair quickly answered.

“My new chair is going to make a huge difference when I start University and I would not hesitate in recommending Precision Rehab to anyone looking for a new powerchair, in fact, I have already done so to several friends.”

The Piccolino has been designed to meet the needs of young powerchair users.

For more information on the full range of powerchairs available from Precision Rehab or to book a no-obligation assessment Contact Us

 Read the full published article here